Lactobacilli atsydofyln e – Acylact in candles vaginal suppositories 10 pcs



Latin name


release form

vaginal suppositories.


10 pcs

Pharmacological action of

Acylact has a high antagonistic activity against pathogenic and conditionally pathogenic microbes, including staphylococcus aureus, which determine the effect of the drug in cases of violations of the female genital bacteriocenosis.


nonspecific colpitis. Assign as an independent tool or after the end of the course of antibacterial therapy

vaginal dysbiosis, including bacterial vaginosis. Assign as an independent tool or in the treatment of

subacute and chronic stages of the inflammatory processes of the female genital area. After the end of the course of antibacterial therapy for the rehabilitation of

, hormone-dependent colpitis, senile, etc. are prescribed. They are prescribed as an independent tool or against the background of specific hormonal therapy

preparation for planned gynecological operations to prevent postoperative infectious complications of

prenatal preparation of pregnant women at risk for the development of inflammatory diseases for the prevention and treatment of vaginal dysbiosis

as an adjuvant in combination and after specific antimicrobial, antiviral and immunomodulating therapy in the treatment of urogenital infections and diseases, sexually transmitted infections (gonorrhea, urogenital chlamydia, urogenital herpes, etc.)

The combined use of suppositories and one of the oral forms of acylact is recommended.


Contraindication to the appointment of Acylact in suppositories is candidiasis, since in some cases a rapid pH shift to the acidic side contributes to the growth of fungi. Acylact in this case is used after specific antifungal therapy or after the use of Bifidumbacterin in suppositories.

Special instructions

The use of Acelact suppositories can be combined with the simultaneous administration of antimicrobial, antiviral and immunomodulating therapy. However, it is not recommended to combine with the simultaneous local administration of antibacterial drugs.


1 supp. contains live specimens of acidophilic lactobacilli at least 107.

suppository base: solid fat paraffin emulsifier.

Dosage and administration

Before intravaginal administration, packaging material is removed from the suppository. In the treatment of senile vaginitis of a hormonal nature and vaginal dysbiosis, acylact is prescribed 1 suppository 2 times a day for 5-10 days. In case of violation of the purity of vaginal secretions in pregnant women to the III-IV degree, the drug is used 1 suppository 1-2 times a day for 5-10 or more days under the control of restoring the purity of the vaginal secret to I-II degree and the disappearance of clinical symptoms. In order to prevent purulent-septic complications, 1 suppository is used 1-2 times a day for 5-10 days before the proposed operation or delivery. For the purpose of rehabilitation therapy after the use of antibiotics, 1 suppository is used 1-2 times a day for 10 days. The course is repeated as prescribed by the doctor in 10-20 days.

Side effects

Not identified.

Storage conditions

The drug is stored at a temperature of 2 ° C to 10 ° C, out of the reach of children.


1 year.

Deystvuyuschee substances

Lactobacilli atsydofyln e

Form of Treatment

suppositories vaginalyn e


for women

Possible product names

Acylact in candles vaginal suppositories, 10 pcs.

acylact supp. vagina. 1 dose N10 Russia

Atzilakt Supp. X10