Paracetamol – Paracetamol Syrup 120mg /5ml 100ml



Release form

syrup 100ml.


in bottles of 50, 100 ml, in a cardboard box 1 bottle.

Pharmacological action

Paracetamol – analgesic-antipyretic. It blocks the synthesis of prostaglandins in the central nervous system due to the inhibition of cyclooxygenase 1 and cyclooxygenase 2, affecting the centers of pain and thermoregulation. No anti-inflammatory effect. The absence of influence on the synthesis of prostaglandins in peripheral tissues leads to the absence of a negative effect on the water-salt metabolism (sodium and water retention) and the mucosa of the gastrointestinal tract.


Paracetamol is rapidly and almost completely absorbed from the gastrointestinal tract. It binds to plasma proteins by 15%. Paracetamol crosses the blood-brain barrier. Less than 1% of the dose of paracetamol taken by the nursing mother passes into breast milk. A therapeutically effective plasma concentration of paracetamol is achieved when administered at a dose of 10-15 mg / kg body weight. The half-life is 1-4 hours. Paracetamol is metabolized in the liver and excreted in the urine, mainly in the form of glucuronides and sulfonated conjugates, less than 5% is excreted unchanged in the urine.


Pain of mild to moderate intensity of various origins (including headache, migraine, toothache, neuralgia, myalgia, algomenorrhea pain from injuries, burns). Fever for infectious and inflammatory diseases.


Chronic alcoholism

hypersensitivity to paracetamol or any other ingredient of the

drug severe liver or kidney dysfunction

childhood (under 3 years)

Caution: use with caution in benign hyperbilirubin syndrome. viral hepatitis, alcoholic liver damage, glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase deficiency, alcoholism, pregnancy, lactation, in old age. The drug should not be taken simultaneously with other paracetamol-containing drugs.

Use during pregnancy and lactation

Paracetamol crosses the placental barrier. To date, there has been no adverse effect of paracetamol on the fetus in humans.

Paracetamol is excreted in breast milk: the content in milk is 0.04-0.23% of the dose taken by the mother.

If you need to use paracetamol during pregnancy and lactation (breastfeeding), you should carefully weigh the expected benefits of therapy for the mother and the potential risk to the fetus or child.

In experimental studies, the embryotoxic, teratogenic and mutagenic effects of paracetamol have not been established.

Special instructions

Before taking, consult your doctor if:

You have a serious liver or kidney disease

You are taking medications for nausea and vomiting (metoclopramide, domperidone), as well as drugs lowering blood cholesterol (cholestyramine)

You are taking anticoagulants and you need painkillers daily for a long time. In this case, paracetamol can be taken


During prolonged treatment, it is necessary to control the picture of peripheral blood and the functional state of the liver.


Active ingredient: paracetamol 24 mg

Excipients: sugar, sorbitol, citric acid, trisubstituted sodium citrate, propylene glycol, ethyl alcohol, riboflavin, aromatic additives, sodium benzoate, water

Dosage and administration of

For children aged 3 to 12 months, 2.5-5 ml syrup (60-120 mg paracetamol).

For children from 1 year to 5 years – 5-10 ml of syrup (120-240 mg of paracetamol).

For children aged 5 to 12 years – 10-20 ml of syrup (240-480 mg of paracetamol).

Adults and children weighing more than 60 kg – 20-40 ml of syrup (480-960 mg of paracetamol).

The frequency of taking paracetamol syrup is 3-4 times a day.

Side effects

Paracetamol rarely causes side effects. Allergic reactions (skin rash, itching, urticaria, Quincke edema), erythema multiforme exudative (including Stevens-Johnson syndrome), toxic epidermal necrolysis (Lyell’s syndrome), dizziness, nausea, epigastric pain, anemia, thrombocytopenia can sometimes be observed. agranulocytosis insomnia. With prolonged use in large doses – increases the likelihood of impaired liver and kidney function, as well as the hematopoietic system.

From the digestive system: nausea, epigastric pain, increased activity of liver enzymes, hepatonecrosis. From the endocrine system: hypoglycemia. If unusual symptoms occur, consult a doctor.

Drug interaction

The drug, when taken for a long time, enhances the effect of indirect anticoagulants (warfarin and other coumarins), which increases the risk of bleeding. Inducers of microsomal oxidation enzymes in the liver (barbiturates, diphenin, carbamazepine, rifampicin, zidovudine, phenytoin, ethanol, flumecinol, phenylbutazone and tricyclic antidepressants) increase the risk of hepatotoxic effects in case of overdose.

Prolonged use of barbiturates reduces the effectiveness of paracetamol.

Ethanol contributes to the development of acute pancreatitis.

Microsomal oxidation inhibitors (cimetidine) reduce the risk of hepatotoxicity. Joint use with other non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs increases the nephrotoxic effect.

Concomitant long-term administration of high doses of paracetamol and salicylates increases the risk of developing kidney and bladder cancer. Diflunisal increases the plasma concentration of paracetamol by 50% – the risk of hepatotoxicity.

Myelotoxic drugs increase the hematotoxicity of the drug. Metoclopramide and domperidone increase, and cholestyramine reduces the rate of absorption of paracetamol. The drug may decrease the activity of uricosuric drugs.


Signs of an overdose of paracetamol – nausea, vomiting, stomach pain, paleness of the skin, anorexia. After a day or two, signs of liver damage are determined. In severe cases, liver failure and coma develops. A specific antidote for paracetamol poisoning is N-acetylcysteine.

Symptoms: pallor of the skin, anorexia, nausea, vomiting, hepatonecrosis (the severity of necrosis directly depends on the degree of overdose). If overdose is suspected, seek medical attention immediately. The toxic effect of the drug in adults is possible after taking more than 10-15 g of paracetamol: increased activity of hepatic transaminases, an increase in prothrombin time (12-48 h after admission) a detailed clinical picture of liver damage manifests itself in 1-6 days. Rarely, impaired liver function develops rapidly and may be complicated by renal failure (tubular necrosis).

Treatment: the patient should do gastric lavage within the first 4 hours of poisoning, take adsorbents (activated charcoal) and see a doctor, the introduction of donors of SH-groups and precursors of synthesis of glutathione – methionine in 8-9 h after overdose and N-acetylcysteine – after 12 hours The need for additional therapeutic measures (further administration of methionine, in / in the introduction of N-acetylcysteine) is determined depending on the concentration of paracetamol in the blood, as well as the time elapsed after its rhyme.

shelf life

3 years

Deystvuyushtee substance


Conditions of drugstore

Without prescription



For children over 1 month old, For children prescribed by a doctor

Synthesis AKOMP, Russia