potassium chloride calcium chloride magnesium chloride Sodium acetate Sodium Chloride Yablochnaya acid – Sterofundin G-5 solution for infusion 500 ml plastic vials KP-2 10 pcs



Latin name



10 bottles of 500 ml.

Pharmacological action

Sterofundin is an isotonic electrolyte solution with an electrolyte concentration adapted to the concentration of blood plasma electrolytes. It is used to correct extracellular fluid loss (i.e., loss of proportional amounts of water and electrolytes). The introduction of the solution is aimed at restoring and maintaining the osmotic status in the extracellular and intracellular space.

Anion content is a balanced combination that eliminates metabolic acidosis.


Since Sterofundin Isotonic is administered intravenously, the bioavailability of all its components is 100%. Sodium and chloride are mainly distributed externally.cell space, while potassium, magnesium and calcium are localized inside the cells.

Sodium, potassium, magnesium and chloride are excreted mainly through the kidneys, as well as in small amounts through the skin and gastrointestinal tract. Calcium is excreted in approximately equal amounts with urine and endogenously with intestinal secretion. During infusions of acetate and malaga, their plasma concentration increases to a constant value. Then, after the termination of the infusion, their concentration drops sharply. The excretion of acetate and malate in the urine during infusion increases.

However, the metabolism of these substances in the tissues of the body proceeds so quickly that only a small amount of them enter the urine.


Replacing extracellular fluid loss during isotonic dehydration when there is a risk of acidosis or acidosis.



severe heart failure,

renal failure with oliguria or anuria,

severe general edema,




Caution: high volume infusion to patients with heart or pulmonary insufficiency should always be done with constant monitoring.

Use during pregnancy and lactation

There are no data on the use of Sterofundin during pregnancy and lactation. With constant monitoring of the volume of infusion, the concentration of electrolytes and acid-base balance of complications when using the drug according to indications does not occur.

Sterofundin should be used with caution in pregnancy toxemia.


Active substances:

potassium chloride 300 mg,

calcium chloride dihydrate 370 mg,

magnesium hexahydrate 200 mg,

sodium acetate trihydrate 3.27 g,

sodium chloride 6.8 g,

malic acid

670 mg Excipients:

water for injection up to 1000 ml.

Dosage and administration

Intravenous administration only. For single dose use only. Unused solution must be disposed of. Use is allowed only transparent solutions, practically free of inclusions. The introduction of the solution should be carried out in compliance with aseptic technique. Equipment for introduction should be completely filled with solution to exclude the possibility of air entering the system. Dosage depends on the age, body weight, clinical and biological condition of the patient and concomitant therapy.

Recommended dosage:

for adults, the elderly and adolescents: from 500 ml to 3 l / 24 h, which corresponds to 1-6 mmol of sodium / kg / 24 h and 0.03-0.17 mmol of potassium / kg / 24 h.

for children under 11 years: from 20 ml to 100 ml / kg / 24 h, which corresponds to 3-14 mmol of sodium / kg / 24 h and 0.08-0.40 potassium / kg / 24 h. The rate of administration:

The maximum rate of administration is determined the patient ™s needs for fluid and electrolytes, the patient ™s weight, clinical status and biological status.

For children, the average injection rate is 5 ml / kg / h, but the rate depends on age: 6-8 ml / kg / h for children up to one year, 4-6 ml / kg / h for children under 2 years and 2- 4 ml / kg / h for children under 11 years.

General recommendations for the use of fluids and electrolyte solutions:

The level of 30 ml of solution per kg of body weight per day covers only the physiological needs of the body in fluids. In patients undergoing surgery, and in resuscitated patients, fluid requirements increase due to decreased concentration function of the kidneys and increased excretion of metabolites, which leads to the need to increase fluid intake to about 40 ml / kg body weight per day. Additional losses (fever, diarrhea, fistulas, vomiting, etc.) must be compensated for by an even higher fluid intake, the level of which is set individually.

Actual individual level of fluid demand is determined by consistent monitoring of clinical and laboratory parameters (urine output, serum and urine osmolarity, determination of excreted substances). The main substitution of the most important sodium and potassium cations reaches 1.5-3 mmol per kg / body weight per day and 0.8-1.0 mmol per kg body weight per day, respectively. Actual needs for infusion therapy are determined by electrolyte balance and monitoring the concentration of plasma electrolytes.

Side effects

With all the precautions regarding doses and rate of administration, side effects do not occur.

Drug Interaction

Sodium, potassium, calcium and magnesium are contained in Sterofundin Isotonic in the same concentrations as in plasma. Therefore, the use of Isotonic Sterofundin in accordance with the indications and contraindications does not lead to an increase in the concentrations of these electrolytes. In the case of an increase in the concentration of any of the electrolytes for other reasons, the following incompatibilities with

Incompatibilities with sodium should be considered: Corticosteroids and carbenoxolone have the ability to retain sodium and water (with the appearance of edema or hypertension).

Incompatible with potassium:cool down.

Incompatibilities with calcium: In hypercalcemia, the effect of digitalis glycosides can be enhanced, which can lead to severe cardiac arrhythmia with a possible lethal outcome. Vitamin D can cause hyperacalcaemia.


Symptoms: overdosage of the drug can lead to such phenomena as hypertonic hyperhydration, electrolyte disorders, pulmonary edema.

Treatment: should stop the infusion immediately, appoint diuretics with constant monitoring of blood plasma electrolytes correction of electrolyte balance.

Storage conditions

Store at a temperature not exceeding + 25 ° C out of the reach of children.

Do not freeze.


3 years.

potassium chloride, calcium chloride, magnesium chloride, sodium acetate, sodium chloride, Yablochnaya acid

terms of delivery from

pharmacies Prescription

Dosage Form A dosage form

infusion solution