Homeopatycheskyy composition – Target T solution for w /mouse. enter 2.2 ml ampoules ind.up. 5 pieces.




5 ampoules.

Pharmacological action

Multicomponent homeopathic preparation, the action of which is due to the components, included in its composition.


In the treatment of arthritis arthrosis, various arthrodes and arthrosis.


Increased individual sensitivity to the components of the drug, especially to the oak toxodendron and to plants of the aster family. Age up to 18 years, due to lack of clinical data.

Caution: liver disease, with a single dose of hepatotoxic substances.

Use during pregnancy and lactation

Use of the drug is possible if the expected benefit to the mother outweighs the potential risk to the fetus and baby. A doctor’s consultation is needed.

Special instructions

When taking homeopathic medicines, existing symptoms (initial worsening) may temporarily worsen. In this case, you should stop taking the drug and consult a doctor. In case of side effects that are not described in the instructions for medical use, you should stop taking the drug and inform your doctor.

Impact on the ability to drive vehicles and work with mechanisms

Not affected.

Composition of

1 ampoule 2.2 ml (= 2.2 g):

Active ingredients: Cartilago suis (kartilyago suis) D6 2.2 mg, Funiculus umbilicalis suis (funiculus umbis) D6 2.2 mg, Embryo totalis suis (embryo totalis suis) D6 2.2 mg, Placenta totalis suis (placenta totalis suis) D6 2.2 mg, Solanum dulcamara (Dulcamara) (solanum dulcamara (dulcamara)) D3 11.0 mg, Symphytum officinale (Symphytum) (offical symphitum (symphitum)) D6 11.0 mg, Nadidum (nadidum) D8 2.2 mg, Coenzym A (coenzyme A) D8 2.2 mg, Sanguinaria canadensis (Sanguinaria) (sanguinaria canadensis (sanguinaria)) D4 3.3 mg, Natrium diethyloxalaceticum (Natriumdiethyloxalacetat) (sodium diethyl ksalatsetikum (natriumdietiloksalatsetat)) D8 2,2 mg Acidum DL -? – liponicum (Acidum alpha-liponicum) (Acidum DL -? – liponicum (Acidum? -Liponicum)) D8 2.2 mg, Toxicodendron quercifolium (Rhus toxicodendron) (toxicodendron quercifolium (rus toxicodendron)) D2 11.0 mg, Arnica montana (Arnica) (arnica montana (arnica)) D4 220.0 mg, Sulfur (sulfur) D6 3.96 mg

Auxiliary components: sodium chloride to establish isotonia about 9 mg / ml, water for injection up to 2, 2 ml

Dosing and Administration

Unless otherwise specified, intramuscularly administer 2.2 ml (contents of 1 ampoule) 2 times a week. The dose, frequency of administration and duration of the course of treatment is prescribed by a doctor. The average course of treatment is 4-5 weeks. A second course is possible after consultation with a doctor.

Side effects

Allergic reactions possible.

In cases of intoxication of the oak-toxidendron (Rhus toxicodendron) and plants of the aster family (for example, arnica), a reaction accompanied by fever, redness, pain at the injection site can extremely rarely develop. For medicines and formulations containing sanguine, the literature describes isolated cases of increased blood activity of “liver” enzymes (transaminases) and bilirubin values. In very rare cases, gastrointestinal upset. If side effects are detected, it is necessary to stop taking the drug and consult a doctor.

Drug Interactions

Prescribing complex homeopathic remedies does not preclude treatment with other drugs.


No cases of overdose have been reported so far.

Storage Conditions

In a dry, dark place at 15 ° C to 25 ° C.

Keep out of the reach and sight of children!

Shelf life

5 years.

Deystvuyushtee substance

Gomeopaticheskiy management services

Dosage form


dosage form


Possible product names

Rinonorm nasal spray 0.05% 15 ml



PURPOSE T 2.2. No. 5 RR D / IN. AMP.

Purpose T 2.2ml No. 5 amp