vindictive – Uromitexan ampoules 400 mg 4 ml 15 pcs



Latin name


Release form

Concentrate for solution for infusion.


15 ampoules.

Pharmacological action

Uromitexan has an effect that reduces the cytotoxicity of oxazaphosphorins.


Local detoxification of the urotoxic effects of cytostatics – derivatives of oxazaphosphorins, including in the following cases: – with the administration of oxazaphosphorins in high doses (more than 10 mg / kg)

– in patients at risk – previous radiation therapy to the pelvic area, the development of cystitis during previous therapy with oxazaphosphorins, a history of urinary system disease.


Hypersensitivity to mesna or any component of Uromitexan. Pregnancy and lactation.

Special instructions

Uromitexan has a protective effect only on the urinary system, therefore, when it is prescribed, additional preventive measures and symptomatic therapy recommended for treatment with oxazaphosphorins should not be canceled.

During treatment with Uromitexan, false-positive reactions to the presence of ketone bodies in the urine are possible. Reddish-purple staining of the urine is possible, which is unstable and immediately disappears when glacial acetic acid is added to the urine.

Uromitexan is not recommended for oral administration in case of possible vomiting or vomiting (including those that occur during treatment with cytostatics, as well as against diarrhea or surgical interventions on the digestive tract).

Experimental Research Results



1 amp. Mesna contains 400 mg excipients: sodium edetate sodium hydroxide water for injection.

Dosage and administration

Uromitexan is administered intravenously (slowly), a single dose is 20% of a single dose of oxazaphosphorine. The first injection of Uromitexan is carried out simultaneously with the first injection of oxazaphosphorin, the second and third injections 4 hours and 8 hours after the administration of oxazaphosphorin.

With continuous infusion (24 hours) of holoxane or endoxan, Uromitexan should be administered at a dose of 20% of the cytostatic dose at the beginning of the infusion, then at a dose of 100% of the cytostatic dose as a 24-hour infusion and, at the end of the cytostatic administration, continue administration of Uromitexan for another 6-12 hours at the same dose.

Side effects of the

From the digestive system: nausea, vomiting, diarrhea are possible (with a single dose of more than 60 mg / kg body weight).

Other: rarely – hematuria, allergic reactions to the skin and mucous membranes.

Drug interaction

With simultaneous use, uromitexan does not affect the antitumor activity of adriamycin, carmustine, cisplatin, methotrexate, vincristine, as well as the activity of cardiac glycosides.

Pharmaceutical interaction

In aqueous solutions, Uromitexan is compatible with cyclophosphamide and ifosfamide, these drugs can be administered in the same solution, the chemical stability of the drugs is sufficient for continuous long-term infusions.

Uromitexan should not be mixed with cisplatin in the same infusion solution, as mesna apparently inactivates cisplatin in vitro, but not in vivo if the drugs are administered separately.


During treatment, it is difficult to distinguish the effects caused by an overdose of Uromitexan from the same manifestations associated with the prescription of oxazophosphorins. It is believed that the tolerance threshold for meat can be exceeded with a single dose of 60-70 mg / kg. However, the toxic effect of Uromitexan at doses of 70-100 mg / kg on hematopoiesis, liver and kidney function, CNS is not noted. Meat antidote is unknown.

Storage Conditions

The product should be stored at room temperature.

Shelf life

5 years.

drugstore conditions


Dosage form

solution for infusion

Possible product names

Uromiteksan 400 mg / 4 ml 4 ml No. 15 amp

Uromiteksan 400mg / 4ml solution d / vv. enter X15 B M (R)

Uromitexan ampoules 400 mg, 4 ml, 15 pcs.