amino acids for parenteral POWER Prochye Preparations Myneral – Aminoplasmal B. Brown E 5 infusion solution 500 ml (8 g nitrogen /l) vials 10 pcs



Release form

Solution for infusion

Pharmacological action

Aminoplasmal E – supplementing the deficiency of amino acids and electrolytes.

Included in the composition of 20 amino acids (in the form of levorotatory isomers) are well absorbed and provide protein synthesis substrate.

Normalizes electrolyte balance.

Calorie content of the solution is 400 kcal / l (1675 kJ / l), osmolarity – 1030 mOsm / l.


Parenteral Nutrition.

Prevention and treatment of protein deficiency due to pronounced loss and / or increased need for proteins: pre- and postoperative period (in cases when normal eating is impossible or undesirable), injuries (moderate and severe), burns, damage to the esophagus or stomach with caustic substances , stenosis of various sections of the gastrointestinal tract, diffuse peritonitis, osteomyelitis, hypoparathyroidism, malabsorption syndrome, inflammatory diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, prolonged diarrhea, vomiting, anorexia, cachexia in cancer, prolonged fever, poisoning, stroke, coma, nephrosis, amyloidosis.


Severe circulatory disorders with a threat to life (for example, during shock), amino acid metabolism disorders, severe liver dysfunction, hyperhydration, renal failure with increased rates of residual nitrogen, acidosis, hyperkalemia, hyponatremia.

Use during pregnancy and lactation

Due to the fact that the safety of Aminoplasmal during pregnancy and lactation has not been studied, the drug should not be used during pregnancy, especially in the first trimester, except in situations in which the potential benefit to the mother exceeds possible risk to the fetus.

Special instructions

To ensure a more complete assimilation of amino acids, the introduction of high-calorie non-protein solutions (carbohydrate solutions, fat emulsions) should be carried out simultaneously with the introduction of Aminoplasmal E.

The ratio of non-protein calories to the injected nitrogen should be 100-200 kcal / g nitrogen.


Active substances:

isoleucine 5, 1 g

leucine 8.9 g

lysine hydrochloride 7 g

methionine 3.8 g

phenylalanine 5.1 g

threonine 4.1 g

tryptophan 1.8 g

valine 4.8 g

arginine 9.2 g arginine 9.2 g histidine 5.2 g

glycine 7.9 g

alanine 13.7 g

proline 8.9 g

aspartic acid 1.3 g

asparagine monohydrate 3.72 g

acetylcysteine ??0.68 g

glutamic acid

ornithine hydrochloride 3.2 g

serine 2.4 g

tyrosine 0.3 g

acetyltyrosine 1.23 g

sodium acetate trihydrate 3.95 g

potassium acetate 2.45 g

magnesium acetate tetrahydrate 0.56 g dihydrophosphate dihydrate 1.4 g

malic acids a 1.01 g

Dosage and Administration

Intravenous drip. The infusion rate is up to 1 ml / kg / h.

The dose is set individually (depending on the condition of the patient), as a rule: 10% (5%) solution – up to 20 (40) ml / kg / day for the prevention and treatment of minor protein deficiency – 8 “16 (16 “32) ml / kg / day, to meet the body’s need for proteins during pregnancy and after surgery – 16 “20 (32 “40) ml / kg / day.

Side effects of

Too fast administration of the drug can cause chills, nausea, and vomiting.

In such cases, the drug should be discontinued and resumed later at a lower rate of infusion.

Drug Interactions

It is not recommended to introduce any other preparations in the solution of Aminoplasmal 10% E, it is preferable to include them in standard solutions of carbohydrates and electrolytes.

However, in cases where the use of a mixture of drugs with Aminoplasmal 10% E is necessary, it is recommended that they be checked for compatibility before use.


Symptoms: increasing renal failure.

Treatment: symptomatic with mandatory reduction of the infusion rate or termination.

Storage Conditions

In a dark place at a temperature not exceeding 25 ° C.

Shelf life

3 years

Active ingredient

Amino acids for p parenteral nutrition, Other preparations Minerals

drugstore conditions


dosage form

infusion solution


Nazna ix

children prescribed by a doctor for adults appointment doctor

B.Braun Melzungen AG, Germany