Homeopatycheskyy composition – Mucose compositum solution for in /mouse. and p /leather. 2.2 ml vials 5 pieces.



Latin name

Mucosa compositum

Release form



In a package of 5 ampoules of 2.2 ml.

Pharmacological action

Mucosa compositum is a complex homeopathic medicine, the action of which is due to its constituent components.

Mucose compositum has immunostimulating, reparative (regenerative), anti-inflammatory, antispasmodic and antihemorrhagic effects.

Mucosa compositum contains extracts of various mucous membranes, anti-inflammatory drugs (Argentum nitricum, Belladonna, etc.), as well as components that have a specific effect on the epigastric region, the pyloric stomach, pancreas, small and large intestines.


Inflammatory diseases of the mucous membranes of various localization, including:

– Gastrointestinal tract.

– Upper and lower respiratory tract.

– The urethra.

– Conjunctives.


Increased individual sensitivity to the components of the drug.

Use during pregnancy and lactation

During pregnancy and lactation, the drug can be used only after prior consultation with a doctor.


Active ingredients:

Mucosa nasalis suis D8, Mucosa oris suis D8, Mucosa pulmonis suis D8, Mucosa oculi suis D8, Mucosa vesicae felleae suis D8, Mucosa vesicae urinisuisuisuisuisuisu8 Disuisuisuisuisuisuisuisuisu8 Disuisuisuisuisuisuisuisuisuisuisuisuisuisuisuisuisu8 Disuisuisuisuisuisuisuisuisuisuisuisu8 Disuisuisuisuisuisuisuisuisuisu8 Mucosa oesophagi suis D8, Mucosa jejuni suis D8, Mucosa ilei suis D8, Mucosa coli suis D8, Mucosa recti suis D8, Mucosa ductus choledochi suis D8, Ventriculus suis D8, Pankreas suis D10, Argentum nitricum D6, Belladonna D10, Oxalis acetosella D6, Anacardium D6, Phosphorus D8, Lachesis D10, Ipecacuanha D8, Nux vomica D13, Veratrum D6, Puls P10, Sulfur D8, Natrium oxalaceticum D8, Colibacillinum D28, Condurango D6, Kalium bichromicum D8, Hydrastis D4, Mandragora D10, Momordica balsamina D6, Ceanothus D4 22 μl.

Dosage and administration of

In acute stages of the disease daily, in chronic diseases 1-3 times a week, 1 ampoule intramuscularly, subcutaneously. The course of treatment for acute stages of the disease 2-5 weeks, with chronic diseases (especially gastritis, colitis) for at least 6 weeks. The therapy is carried out under the supervision of a physician. The contents of the ampoule head should be shaken off with a gentle tap. The color dot should be at the top! After that, break off the upper part of the ampoule by pressing at a colored point.

Drug Interactions

Prescribing complex homeopathic medicines does not preclude the use of other medicines used for this disease.

Storage Conditions

Store in a dry, dark place at 15 ° C to 25 ° C.


5 years.

active substance

homeopathic composition

Terms leave through pharmacies

In retseptu

Dosage form

injection solution

Heely, Germany