Homeopatycheskyy composition – Vibrocol rectal suppositories 12 pcs



Release form

Rectal suppositories.


For 12 pcs. packaged.

Pharmacological action

Viburkol – homeopathic medicine. It has a sedative, anti-inflammatory, anticonvulsant, antispasmodic and analgesic (analgesic) effect.

In case of febrile conditions, Viburkol relieves temperature and has a lytic effect without causing hypotonic circulatory disorders.


In complex therapy as an antipyretic, anti-inflammatory agent for respiratory diseases in children, with manifestations of anxiety associated with teething.


Hypersensitivity to the components of the drug.

Special instructions

When taking homeopathic medicines, the symptoms may temporarily worsen. In this case, stop using the drug and consult your doctor.

Protect from overheating, direct sunlight and humidity!


1 candle Viburkol contains: Chamomilla recutita D1, Atropa belladonna D2, Solanum dulcamara D4, 1.1 mg Plantago major D3, Pulsatilla pratensis D2 2.2 mg, Calcium carbonicum Hahnemanni D8 4.4 mg.

Dosage and administration of

In acute cases, Viburkol is prescribed 1 suppository rectally 3-4 times per hour (every 15-30 minutes until the clinical effect is achieved, but no more than 2 hours). After alleviation, 1 candle 2-3 times a day.

The maximum dose for children from the first days of life to 6 months is 1 candle 2 times a day.

Side effects

Rarely: allergic reaction.

Drug Interactions

The use of homeopathic remedies does not preclude treatment with other drugs.

Storage conditions

In a dry, dark place at room temperature.


Expiration: 3 years.

Deystvuyuschee substances

Homeopatycheskyy composition

Form of Treatment

suppositories rektalyn e

Heely, Germany