hydrogen peroxide – Hydrogen Peroxide bottles 3% 100 ml


SKU: USUK49553l Category:


Release form

Solution for external use


bottle 100 ml.

Pharmacological action

Antiseptic effect due to oxidative effect – when in contact with damaged skin and hydrogen mucous membranes, peroxide under the influence of catalase (mainly) and peroxidase breaks down with the release of oxygen (including active forms), which creates unfavorable conditions for development microorganisms, especially anaerobic and putrefactive flora, however, it is characterized by a short duration and weak severity of the effect. When the solution enters the wound, proteins, blood, pus are destroyed (oxidized), and its mechanical cleansing due to abundant foaming (due to gas bubbles rising from the walls) from polluting particles, small foreign bodies, blood clots. This foaming promotes thrombosis and stopping bleeding from small vessels.


Primary treatment of superficial contaminated wounds, cleansing the wound of pus and blood clots, stopping capillary bleeding from superficial wounds, tooth sockets and nosebleeds.

The drug is used externally for washing and rinsing with stomatitis, angynecological, gynecological diseases.



Use during pregnancy and lactation

The drug has no contraindications for use during pregnancy and lactation.

Special instructions

Avoid contact with the product (in case of contact with eyes, rinse with water). It is not recommended to use for irrigation of cavities and under occlusive dressings.


3% hydrogen peroxide solution

Dosage and administration

The surface of the skin, wounds or ulcers is treated with tampons moistened in solution, contaminated wounds, ulcers are treated with a jet. For the treatment of mucous membranes – in the form of rinses and rinses, when rinsing the mouth and throat, dilute with water to a concentration of 0.2-0.3% (1 tablespoon per 1 glass of water).

Side effects

Allergic reactions (rare), burning sensation in the wound area.

Drug Interactions

Destroys and loses its effectiveness when interacting with alkalis and salts of heavy metals.


Symptoms: irritation of the upper respiratory tract (burn, laryngeal, bronchospasm) when ingested – irritation of the gastrointestinal mucosa, hemolysis, hemoglobinuria lethal dose – about 0.5 g

solution sodium bicarbonate solution, I / O sodium thiosulphate 30% up to 300 ml.

Storage Conditions

In a cool, light-proof location.

Shelf life

2 years.

Deystvuyushtee substance

Hydrogen peroxide

Conditions of release from pharmacies

p40 without prescription40 recipe

Possible product names

3 Peroxide %, 100 ml

italfarmako, italy Iodine technologies and marketing, Russia