Phenibut shlemnyka ekstrakt hop ekstrakt ekstrakt pust rnyka pyona ekstrakt – Stop-Stress tablets for cats 200 mg Api-San (BET) 15 pcs



Pharmacological action

Stop-stress tablets belong to the group of combined sedative drugs. Phenibut, which is part of the drug, is a phenyl derivative of GABA and phenylethylamine ( -Amino – phenylbutyric acid hydrochloride). Strengthening inhibitory GABAergic processes, affects the functional state due to the normalization of metabolism and effects on cerebral circulation. Possessing a pronounced stress-correcting effect, it ensures the normalization of the processes of excitation and inhibition in the central nervous system. The complex of medicinal plant extracts has a mild calming effect on animals. Hop cones have a calming, analgesic, hypnotic and anti-inflammatory effect. Neurotropic properties that determine the biological activity of hops are associated with the content of lupulin, which exhibits a calming effect on the central nervous system. Motherwort reduces the excitability of the central nervous system, has an antispasmodic, anticonvulsant effect, slows down the rhythm and increases the strength of heart contractions, and has a hypotensive effect. Peony extract contains phenols, tannins, organic acids, which together increase the body’s resistance to hypoxia, have antispasmodic, anticonvulsant, antimicrobial properties. Scutellaria extract has a calming effect, improves sleep, surpasses motherwort and valerian in a sedative effect. The combination of active components Stop-stress tablets has a calming effect on animals, reduces tension, fear, improves recovery and adaptive processes, increases resistance to adverse environmental influences. Stop-stress pills according to the degree of exposure to the body belong to low-hazard substances (hazard class 4 according to GOST 12.1.007-76), in the recommended doses they do not have a mutagenic, carcinogenic and sensitizing effect.


Stop stress pills are prescribed to reduce the arousal and correction of psychogenic behavior disorders in cats and dogs under stress, phobias, aggression for no apparent reason and with increased sexual arousal (together with contraceptive drugs).


Contraindication to use is an increased individual sensitivity of the animal to the components of the drug (including a history), diseases of the genitourinary system, tumor and diabetes.

Do not use Stop-stress tablets for pregnant or lactating females.


Stop-stress tablets are available in two forms: Stop-stress tablets 2 – weighing 200 mg and Stop-stress tablets 5 – weighing 500 mg. The quantitative content of active and auxiliary substances in 1 tablet in the drug Stop-stress tablets is indicated in Table 1.

Table 1


Content in 1 tablet

Stop-stress tablets 2

Stop-stress tablets 5

Phenibut, mg



Scutellaria extract, mg



Hop extract, mg



Motherwort extract, mg



Peony extract, mg



Lactose, mg



Cyclamate mg



Saccharin mg





carboxymethyl cellulose, mg


74, 5

Calcium stearate, mg



Dosage and administration

Stop-stress tablets are used orally, forcibly on the root of the tongue or with a small amount of treats for cats and dogs, twice a day, the dose is selected individually taking into account the weight of the animal, the type of nervous activity and the degree of excitement of the animal, the average therapeutic doses are shown in Table 2:

Table 2

Weight of the animal, kg

Single dose of the drug

Stop stress tablets 2

Stop stress tablets 5

to 5


5 to 10

– tab.

10 to 20

– 1 tab.

20 to 30

1 – 1 tab.

– tab.

30 to 40

1 – 2 tab.

– 1 tab.

40 to 50

1 tab.

50 and above

1 – 2 tab.

The course of use of the drug is 15-20 days. In the presence of signs of severe arousal and psychogenic behavioral disorders (aggression, fear, hyperactivity, excessive vocalization (barking, meowing), hypersexual behavior, labeling the room with urine) the course can be extended up to 4 weeks.

When animals show signs of agitation and / or behavior disorders again, the course of the drug is repeated in the same doses according to the same pattern.

In order to prevent stress (transportation, arrival of guests, change of scenery, departure of the owner, participation in exhibitions and competitions), the drug is used 3-5 days before the proposed event and within 1-4 days after its completion (until the signs of increased excitement of the animal disappear )

To correct behavior with increased sexual activity, Stop-stress tablets are used in the same doses together with contraceptive drugs. The duration of the course of use depends on the individual sensitivity of the animal and the degree of its excitability, but should not exceed 4 weeks.

Overdose of

With significant overdose, an animal may experience drowsiness, nausea, vomiting, decreased blood pressure, and impaired gastrointestinal function. In these cases, it is necessary to rinse the stomach, prescribe enterosorbents and symptomatic agents in accordance with the instructions for their use.

Storage conditions

Stop-stress tablets should be stored in the manufacturer’s closed packaging, in a dry dark place, separate from food , at a temperature from 00C to 250C.

Dosage form
