Polyvytamyn – Hexavit tablets 50 pcs


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Release form



50 pcs.

Pharmacological action

Hexavit – a multivitamin that normalizes metabolic processes.

Retinol stimulates epithelization, rhodopsin synthesis, is necessary for bone and cartilage growth, thiamine regulates carbohydrate metabolism, affects the functioning of the nervous system, riboflavin and nicotinamide are involved in tissue respiration, ascorbic acid in oxidation-reduction processes, synthesis of corticosteroids, collogen, hemoglobin , dentin, blood coagulation, increases non-specific immunoresistance.


– prevention of hypovitaminosis.

Used for:

– to increase the body’s resistance to infectious and colds

– to improve visual acuity in individuals, whose work requires increased attention

– with prolonged treatment with antibiotics.


– pregnancy

– breastfeeding

– children under 18 years of age sensitivity to


Special instructions

Possible staining of urine in intense yellow color, which is due to the presence of riboflavin in the preparation and is not dangerous. Do not take simultaneously with other vitamin preparations.


1 dragee contains: retinol acetate 0.0017 (5000 PIECES) or retinol palmitate 0.00275 g (5000 IU), thiamine chloride 0.002 g or thiamine bromide 0.0026 g, riboflavin 0.002 g, nicotinamide 0.01 5 g, pyridoxine hydrochloride 0.002 g, ascorbic acid 0.07 g

Dosage and administration of

Consult a physician before starting treatment.

The drug is taken 1 tablet a day, inside, after a meal. The course of treatment is 30 days. After 2-3 months, the course of treatment can be repeated on the recommendation of a doctor.


In case of overdose, consult a doctor.

Treatment: temporary discontinuation of the drug, gastric lavage, ingestion of activated charcoal, symptomatic treatment.

Storage Conditions

In a dry, light-protected environment at a temperature not exceeding 25 ° C. Keep out of reach of children.


Expiration is 1 year.

active substance


Conditions for dispensing from pharmacies

Without a prescription

dosage form



From stress, With asthenia, During recovery, From hypovitaminosis, After a course of antibiotic therapy, intensive physical load, malnutrition, neuritis

Possible product names

Hexavit dragee, 50 pcs.

Marbiopharm, Russia