Polyvytamyn Myneral – Baby Formula Teddy Bears Vitamin C chewable pastilles 30 pcs



Release form

Chewing lozenges

Pharmacological action

Vitamin C, being an antioxidant, protects cell membranes and, in particular, lymphocytes from the damaging effects of peroxidation. This is the main immunostimulating effects of vitamin C, which are manifested in the action on the humoral and cellular mechanisms of immunity, lymphocyte migration, synthesis and release of interferon.

Vitamin C increases the body’s resistance to infections, intoxication with chemicals, overheating, cooling, oxygen starvation.

Vitamin C is involved in many redox reactions, as well as in the biosynthesis of special connective tissue proteins: collagen and elastin are the supporting components of cartilage, bones, and vessel walls.


Baby Formula Teddy Bears Vitamin C is a chewing vitamin C with orange flavor

for children from 3 years.


Content in one lozenge Vitamin C, not less than 50 mg

Dosage and administration

For children from 3 to 7 years old, 1 chewing gum once a day with meals,

for children over 7 years of age, 1 chewing gum 2 times a day with meals.

Duration of admission is 1-2 months.

If necessary, the reception can be repeated.

dosage form



Vitamins for children