Rauwolfia alkaloids – Raunatin tablets 2 mg 50 pcs



Latin name


Release form


packaging 50 pcs

Pharmacological action

Rauwolfia alkaloids have antihypertensive and antiarrhythmic effects.

Sedative effect is less pronounced than that of reserpine, but they are practically not inferior to reserpine in hypotensive effect, and in some cases they are better tolerated.

The antihypertensive effect of Raunatin develops more slowly than that of reserpine.


Mild to moderate arterial hypertension.


arterial hypotension


coronary circulatory insufficiency

organic myocardial lesions

aortic malformations

peptic ulcer disease duodenal ulcer srdlerkrpfc nephr

Use during pregnancy and lactation

Contraindicated in pregnancy (III trimester), during lactation.


Active ingredient:

rauwolfia alkaloids 2 mg.

Dosage and administration of

Raunatin is taken orally after a meal. On the 1st day, take 1 tablet (2 mg – in terms of the amount of alkaloids) at night on the 2nd day – 1 tablet 2 times a day, on the 3rd day – 3 tablets, gradually increasing the total dose to 4- 6 tablets per day.

After achieving a therapeutic effect (after 10-14 days), the dose is gradually reduced to 1-2 tablets per day.

Side effects

Possible swelling of the nasal mucosa, increased sweating, asthenia, cardialgia, bradycardia, depression, decreased libido.

Drug Interaction

Caution is prescribed with quinidine, guanethidine, cardiac glycosides, beta-blockers (risk of increased severity of negative chrono- and dromotropic action).


Symptoms: sweating, general weakness and severe hypotension. In severe cases, after a short period of euphoria, drowsiness, depression, hypodynamia, phenomena of marked parkinsonism, loss of consciousness, coma develop.

Treatment: cancellation of the drug, gastric lavage, intake of activated carbon. Forced diuresis is shown.

With a marked decrease in blood pressure, with the collapse of the patient to lay with his legs up. If necessary, intravenous administration of

of reopolyglukin or mesaton with the addition of angiotensinamide or 2% solution of norepinephrine hydrotartrate is indicated. Adrenomimetic agents are prescribed with great caution because of the risk of pulmonary edema. A 10% solution of caffeine sodium benzoate is administered subcutaneously. The presence of sharp respiratory depression or its delay require suction of mucus from the respiratory tract, intubation and conducting artificial ventilation of the lungs, oxygen therapy.

There are no specific antidotes for poisoning with raunatin and other preparations of rauwolfia.

Storage conditions

In the dark place at a temperature of no higher than 20 ° C.


3 years.

extract Active ingredient

Rauwolfia alkaloids

pharmacy terms for prescription

dosage form

dosage form


Vifiteh, Russia