silicon dioxide kolloydn y – Polysorb MP can 25 g




Polysorb is a powerful new generation sorbent, the main active ingredient of which is colloidal silicon dioxide. The drug is effective in treating diarrhea, poisoning, allergies, toxicosis, a hangover syndrome and with complex cleansing of the body.


Thanks to its enveloping properties, it fights against pathogens of all sizes: large allergens, medium bacteria and small toxins

Improves well-being within 1-4 minutes after taking

Preserves the therapeutic effect after temperature changes: does not deteriorate in the heat, is not ² њafraid ² ќ of frost airplane luggage compartment (powder advantage over wet products)

Contains no additives: preservatives, colorants, flavors and sweeteners. This not only enhances the healing effect, but also eliminates the risk of developing an allergic reaction to

impurities. It is prescribed for children from birth, pregnant and lactating women, elderly and adults

. It is permissible to dilute the drug not only in water, but also in juice, compote, fruit drink and breast milk.

Has a high safety profile – more than 200 clinical trials and more than 20 years of use.

Latin name

Polysorbum MP


1 can

Pharmacological action

Pharmacotherapeutic group: enterosorbing agent.

ATX code: A07B

Pharmacological properties. Polysorb MP (medical oral) is an inorganic, non-selective, multifunctional enterosorbent based on highly dispersed silica with particle sizes up to 0.09 mm, with the chemical formula SiO2. The sorption capacity of the drug for internal use is 300 m / G.


Polysorb MP has pronounced sorption and detoxification properties. In the lumen of the gastrointestinal tract, the drug binds and removes endogenous and exogenous toxic substances of various nature from the body, including pathogenic bacteria and bacterial toxins, antigens, food allergens, drugs and poisons, salts of heavy metals, radionuclides, alcohol. Polysorb MP also absorbs some metabolic products of the body, including excess bilirubin, urea, cholesterol and lipid complexes, as well as metabolites responsible for the development of endogenous toxicosis.


Polysorb MP is not split and absorbed in the gastrointestinal tract and excreted unchanged.


Polysorb is taken in order to:

stop diarrhea quickly,

free the body from poisonous and toxic substances in case of poisoning,

get rid of allergies and remove provoking allergens,

remove the hangover and its effects or prevent them in advance,

cleanse the body of harmful substances, radionuclides, heavy metals coming from polluted environments, unhealthy foods,

make other medications more effective because cleans up œclogged poorly receptive cell receptors (pharmaceutical resistance), and also reduces the side effect of antibiotics and toxic drugs: hypertensive, sugar-lowering, anti-epileptic, anti-allergic, antibacterial and other chemotherapeutic, acid-lowering drugs,

to improve the appearance of facial skin problems: acne.

The medical indications for use are extensive: acute and chronic intoxications of various origins in adults and children

acute intestinal infections of any genesis, including foodborne toxic infections, as well as diarrheal syndrome of non-infectious origin, dysbiosis (as part of complex therapy)

purulent-septic diseases accompanied by severe intoxication acute poisoning acute poisoning substances, including drugs and alcohol, alkaloids, salts of heavy metals, etc.

food and drug allergy

in Rusnė hepatitis and other jaundice (hyperbilirubinemia)

chronic renal failure (hyperasotemia)

residents ecologically unfavorable regions and workers of hazardous industries, with the purpose of prophylaxis.


Peptic ulcer of the stomach and 12 duodenal ulcer in the acute phase

Bleeding from the gastrointestinal tract

Atony of the intestine

Individual intolerance to the drug.

Use during pregnancy and lactation

Administration of the drug Polysorb MP during pregnancy does not adversely affect the fetus.

When using Polysorb MP during lactation, no adverse effects on the child have been established.

It is possible to use the drug Polysorb MP during pregnancy and lactation according to indications and in recommended doses.

Special instructions

With prolonged use of the drug Polysorb MP (more than 14 days), the absorption of vitamins and calcium may be impaired, and therefore prophylactic administration of multivitamin preparations and preparations containing calcium is recommended.

Outwardly, Polysorb MP powder can be used to stop bleeding from small wounds, as well as in the complex treatment of purulent wounds, trophic ulcers and burns.

Composition of

1 jar of silicon dioxide 25 g

Dosage and administration

First, Polysorb is always taken in the form of an aqueous suspension, that is, the powder is mixed with 1 4 – 1 2 glasses of water, and is never taken dry inside.

Secondly, the amount of powder to be taken depends on body weight, that is, you need to know the approximate weight of an adult or child who will drink it. There can be no overdose, which removes concerns when determining the dose.

Daily dose calculation table for Polysorb depending on the patient ™s body weight:

Patient weight


Water volume

up to 10 kg

0.5-1.5 teaspoons per day

30-50 ml

11-20 kg

1 teaspoon spoon œwithout a slide for 1 dose

30-50 ml

21-30 kg

1 teaspoon œwith a slide for 1 dose

50-70 ml

31-40 kg

2 teaspoons œa slide for 1 dose

70-100 ml

41-60 kg

1 tablespoon œwith a slide for 1 dose

100 ml

more than 60 kg

1-2 tablespoons œwith a slide for 1 dose

100-150 ml

1 teaspoon Polysorb œwith a hill contains 1 gram of preparation that one.

1 gram is the most recommended single infant dosage.

1 tablespoon Polysorb œwith a hill contains 2.5-3 grams of the drug.

3 grams is the average single adult dosage.

How to use Polysorb for the main indications


How to use

Features of taking


Food allergy

Dissolve the powder in an age dose in – cup of water


3 times a day 3 “5 times a day days

Chronic allergies, urticaria, hay fever, atopy

Dissolve the powder at an age dose in – cups of water

Drink before meals

3 times a day

10-14 days



stomach with 0,

Admission as a part of the complex treatment

3-4 times a day

5-7 days

Viral hepatitis

From the first days of illness

Dissolve the powder in an age dose in – cups of water

Admission as a part of the complex treatment

3-4 times a day

7-10 days

Cleansing the body

Dissolve the powder at an age dose in – glasses of water

An hour before meals or an hour after meals

3 times a day

7-14 days

Chronic renal


Dissolve the powder at an age dose in – glasses of water

Admission as a part of the complex treatment

3-4 times a day

25-30 days

Toxicosis of pregnant

Dissolve in age – glasses of water

One hour before meals or one hour after meals

3 times a day

10-14 days


1 day – take 5 times a day after an hour.

2 days – take 4 times a day after an hour.

Drink more fluids

1 day – 5 times.

2 days – 4 times.

2 days



Take 1 dose: before the feast, before bedtime after the feast, in the morning.

1 time per day

3 days

Constipation rarely occurs, to prevent them, you should drink more water. Allergic reactions are possible. With prolonged use (more than 14 days), the absorption of vitamins and calcium may be impaired, which is corrected by taking multivitamins and calcium. Polysorb is taken either 1 hour before taking medication / food, or 1 hour after taking medication / food.

Regardless of the indication, the drug is always mixed in clean water at room temperature before use (the amount of water and the drug varies by age).

also it is permissible to use breast milk, juice without pulp, fruit drink or add lemon juice to the water, etc.

In infants it is permissible to use a smaller volume of water of 15-25 ml (in contrast to the recommended 30-50 ml) for stirring the drug, and the rest of the water (up to 50-100 ml) of the child must be milked. In adults – before taking the drug is mixed in -1 glass of water.

When taking the drug, you should observe an increased drinking regimen (if there are no restrictions on the part of the doctor) – up to 2.5-3 liters of water per day.

Side effects

Rare: Allergic reactions, constipation.

Drug Interaction

With the simultaneous use of the drug Polysorb MP with other drugs may reduce the therapeutic effect of the latter.

Overdose of

Currently, there is no evidence of an overdose of Polysorb MP.

Storage Conditions

At a temperature not exceeding 25 ° C. After opening the package, store in a tightly closed container. Water Expiration is no more than 48 hours. Keep out of reach of children.


5 years.

pharmacy leave terms

pharmacy leave

pharmacies without a prescription