Travoprost – Travatan eye drops 40 mcg /ml 2.5 ml 3 pcs



Pharmacological action

Anti-glaucoma drug. A synthetic analogue of prostaglandin F2 .

Is a highly selective full agonist of prostaglandin FP receptors. It reduces intraocular pressure by increasing the uveoscleral outflow of aqueous humor through the trabecular network and uveoscleral pathways.

Intraocular pressure decreases approximately 2 hours after the use of the drug, the maximum effect is achieved after 12 hours. A significant reduction in intraocular pressure can persist for 24 hours after a single use of the drug.


Absorption and metabolism

Travoprost is absorbed through the cornea of ² ¹ ² ¹the eye, where hydrolysis of travoprost takes place to the biologically active form – free acid of travoprost.

Cmax of travoprost acid in plasma is achieved within 10-30 minutes after topical application and is 25 pg / ml or less.

Excretion of

Free herboprost acid is rapidly excreted from plasma, within an hour the concentration decreases below the detection threshold (<10 pg / ml). T1 / 2 of free travoprost acid in humans has not been established due to its low plasma concentration and rapid excretion from the body after topical application. Metabolism is the main route of elimination of grass growth and free acid grass growth. The pathways of systemic metabolism are parallel to the pathways of metabolism of endogenous prostaglandin F2a, which are characterized by the reduction of the 13-14 double bond, the oxidation of the 15-hydroxyl group and the ž ±-oxidative cleavage of the upper side chain link. Travoprost free acid and its metabolites are mainly excreted by the kidneys. Indications Decreased increased intraocular pressure with: – open-angle glaucoma – increased ophthalmotonus. Contraindications – pregnancy – lactation (breastfeeding) – children and adolescents under 18 – hypersensitivity to the components of the drug. Caution should be given to patients with pseudophakia aphakia with rupture of the posterior lens capsule or anterior chamber intraocular lens at risk of developing cystoid macular edema with acute inflammatory phenomena of the organ of vision, as well as in patients at risk of developing iritis, uveitis. Composition active substance: herbal growth 0.04 mg excipients: macrogol glyceryl hydroxystearate – 2 mg propylene glycol – 7.5 mg boric acid – 3 mg mannitol – 3 mg sodium chloride – 3.5 mg polydronium chloride – 0, 01 mg sodium hydroxide and / or hydrochloric acid – to adjust the pH of the purified water to 1 ml Dosage and administration The drug is applied topically. Assign 1 drop in the conjunctival sac of the eye (eye) 1 time / day, in the evening. To reduce the risk of developing systemic side effects, it is recommended that after instillation of the drug, the nasolacrimal canal be squeezed by pressing in the area of its projection at the inner corner of the eye. If a dose is missed, treatment should be continued with the next dose. The daily dose of the drug should not exceed 1 drop in the conjunctival sac of the eye 1 time / day. Travatan ® can be used in combination with other topical ophthalmic drugs to reduce intraocular pressure. In this case, the interval between their use should be at least 5 minutes. If Travatan ® is prescribed as a replacement for another ophthalmic drug for the treatment of glaucoma, the latter should be discontinued, and the next day, start using Travatan ®. Dose adjustment in patients with impaired liver function from mild to severe, as well as in patients with impaired renal function, from mild to severe (with CC below 14 ml / min) is not required. Overdose Toxicity with overdose with topical application is unlikely. Treatment: if accidentally swallowed, symptomatic and supportive therapy. In case of overdose of the drug with topical application, rinse your eyes with warm water. Storage conditions The drug should be stored out of the reach of children at a temperature of 2 ° to 30 ° C. Shelf life is 2 years. Do not use after the expiration date indicated on the package. After opening the bottle, eye drops should be used within 4 weeks. Drugstore terms from drugstore recipe lekarstvennaja form Drops hlazn e