Troxerutin – Troxerutin gel 2% 40 g



Release form

Gel for external use

Pharmacological action

Troxerutin – a venotonic, angioprotective agent, bioflavonoid. It reduces the permeability and fragility of capillaries, strengthens the vascular wall, improves microcirculation, and has an anti-edematous effect. Participates in redox processes, blocks hyaluronic acid in cell membranes. It increases the density of the vascular wall, reduces the exudation of the liquid part of the plasma and the diapedesis of blood cells. Reduces inflammation in the vascular wall, limiting platelet adhesion to its surface.

The use of troxerutin is possible both at the initial and late stages of treatment of chronic venous insufficiency, it is possible to use as one of the components of complex treatment.


Varicose veins chronic venous insufficiency with such manifestations as edema, pain, heaviness in the lower extremities, superficial thrombophlebitis, peripheralitis, phlebothrombosis post-thrombotic syndrome, post-traumatic edema, hematomas prevention of complications after hemorrhoid vein surgery.


Hypersensitivity to troxerutin or any auxiliary substance of the drug. Violation of the integrity of the skin.

Composition of

100 g of gel contains the active substance: troxerutin – 2.0 g

Dosage and administration

Use externally. The gel is applied morning and evening to the skin in the affected area using light massaging movements from the bottom up until it is completely absorbed into the skin. If for any reason the use of the drug is missed, the patient can apply it at any time, observing the interval between treatment sessions for at least 10-12 hours. If necessary, the gel can be applied under an occlusive dressing. If after 6-7 days the symptoms of the disease worsen or do not go away, you should consult a doctor.

Side effects

In some cases, allergic reactions (skin rash) are possible.


pharmacies tempering conditions without prescription




For wounds, Burns, For inflammation of the female genital organs, For tonsillitis, For tonsillitis, Thrombophlebitis