Vitamin A Vitamin D3 Retinol – Aevit capsules 30 pcs



Release form



30 pcs.

Pharmacological action of

The action of Aevit is due to its vitamins A and E.

Retinol palmitate normalizes mainly the processes of protein and carbohydrate and, to a lesser extent, fat metabolism.

a-Tocopherol acetate has powerful antioxidant properties, it normalizes mainly fat metabolism.

Aevit restores capillary circulation, normalizes capillary and tissue permeability, tissue respiration increases tissue resistance to hypoxia.


Hypersensitivity to vitamins A and E. Children under 14 years of age.

Use during pregnancy and lactation

Use with caution during pregnancy (especially the first trimester), during lactation.

Special instructions

In order to avoid the development of hypervitaminosis A and E, the recommended doses should not be exceeded.

When using the drug, one should take into account the high content of vitamin A (100 thousand IU) in it, as well as that it is a therapeutic and not a preventive drug.

A diet with a high content of Se and sulfur-containing amino acids reduces the need for vitamin E.


1 capsule contains retinol palmitate (vitamin A) – 0.055 g (100 000 IU), a-tocopherol acetate (vitamin E) – 0.1 g

excipients – deodorized corn oil or hydrated soybean oil.

Dosage and administration

Inside, 1 capsule for 30-40 days.

Side effects

In the case of use in the recommended dosage, they are usually not observed.

Allergic reactions to drug components are possible. In some cases, dyspeptic symptoms in the form of feelings of discomfort in the epigastric region, nausea, diarrhea can be observed. With prolonged use in large doses, exacerbation of gallstone disease and chronic pancreatitis is possible.

Drug interactions

Retinol weakens the effect of calcium preparations, increases the risk of hypercalcemia.

Colestyramine, colestipol, mineral oils, neomycin reduce the absorption of vitamins A and E (may require an increase in their dose).

Oral contraceptives increase the plasma concentration of retinol.

Isotretinoin increases the risk of retinol intoxication.

The simultaneous use of tetracycline and retinol in high doses (50 thousand units and above) increase the risk of developing intracranial hypertension.

Tocopherol (vitamin E) enhances the effect of GCS, NSAIDs, antioxidants, increases the effectiveness and reduces the toxicity of vitamins A, D, cardiac glycosides. High-dose vitamin E can cause vitamin A deficiency in the body.

Tocopherol (vitamin E) increases the effectiveness of antiepileptic drugs in patients with epilepsy (who have an increased content of lipid peroxidation products in the blood).

The simultaneous use of vitamin E at a dose of more than 400 units / day with anticoagulants (coumarin and indandion derivatives) increases the risk of hypoprothrombinemia and bleeding.

The use of high-dose iron preparations enhances oxidative processes in the body, which increases the need for vitamin E.


Symptoms of an acute overdose with retinol (vitamin A) (develop 6 hours after administration): hypervitaminosis A: in adults – drowsiness, lethargy, diplopia, dizziness, severe headache, nausea, severe vomiting, diarrhea, irritability, osteoporosis, bleeding from the gums, dryness and ulceration of the oral mucosa, peeling of lips, skin (especially palms, palpitations) consciousness.

Symptoms of chronic retinol (Vitamin A) intoxication: anorexia, bone pain, cracks and dry skin, lips, dry mouth, gastralgia, vomiting, hyperthermia, asthenia, headache, photosensitization, pollacuria hair loss, yellow-orange spots on the soles, palms, in the area of the nasolabial triangle, hepatotoxic phenomena, increased intraocular pressure, oligomenorrhea, portal hypertension, hemolytic anemia, changes in radiographs of bones, convulsions fetotoxic phenomena: in humans, malformations of the urinary system, growth retardation, early closure of epiphyseal growth zones in animals – malformations of the CNS, spine, chest, heart, eyes, upper palate, urinary system.

Symptoms of overdose with tocopherol (vitamin E): when taken for a long period in doses of 400-800 IU / day – fuzzy visual perception, dizziness, headache, nausea, diarrhea, gastralgia, asthenia when taken more than 800 IU / day for a long time period – increased risk of bleeding in patients with hypovitaminosis K, impaired metabolism of thyroid hormones, disorders of sexual function, thrombophlebitis, thromboembolism, necrotic colitis, sepsis, hepatomegaly, hyperbilirubinemia, renal failure , Hemorrhages in the eye setchatuyu shell, hemorrhagic stroke, ascites.

Treatment: withdrawal of symptomatic therapy.

Storage Conditions

In a dry, dark place at a temperature not exceeding 20 ° C.

Shelf life

2 years.

The active substance srdl kp Vildagliptin, Retinol

Medication Naya form



From in infections, From atherosclerosis, With liver damage, With malnutrition, From hypovitaminosis

Altayvitaminy, Russia