Fipronil benzylbenzoate diethyltoluamide metoprene – FleaNet max drops at the withers for dogs 20-30 kg 3 ml pipette pack. (BET)



Pharmacological action

BlochNet max belongs to the group of combined insectoacaricidal drugs. It has a pronounced insectoacaricidal effect against all phases of the development of fleas, lice, lice, larvae and adults of ixodid and sarcoptic mites parasitizing on dogs, as well as a repellent effect against blood-sucking mosquitoes.

After topical application of drops to the dog’s skin, the active components of the drug are gradually distributed over the surface of the body, accumulate in the grease of the skin, epidermis, hair follicles and sebaceous glands, have a long contact effect, protecting the animal from ectoparasites.

The protective effect of the drug after a single treatment of the animal against the mature and preimaginal phases of insect development lasts up to 2 months, against ticks – up to 1 month, from blood-sucking mosquitoes – up to 7 days.

BlochNet max, according to the degree of exposure to the body, refers to moderately hazardous substances (hazard class 3 according to GOST 12.1.007-76), at the recommended doses it does not have a skin-irritating and resorptive toxic effect, if it comes into contact with the eyes, it causes slight irritation.

The drug is toxic to rabbits, as well as fish and other aquatic organisms.


FleaNet max is prescribed for dogs with entomoses caused by fleas, lice and lice, ixodid ticks, and also to prevent the attack of ectoparasites on animals.


The drug is contraindicated for use in weakened animals suffering from infectious diseases and during convalescence. It is recommended to prescribe the drug to animals undergoing surgery no earlier than three weeks after the removal of sutures. The drug is contraindicated for use with hypersensitivity directly to the components of the drug. Do not use BlochNet max for dogs weighing less than 2 kg, puppies under 10 weeks of age. Auricular use of the drug is not allowed (in the treatment of ear scabies) with perforation of the eardrum. Caution should be used in animals with hypersensitivity to various medicinal substances. When using the drug for the first time, to prevent the development of symptoms of individual hypersensitivity, a sensitivity test is recommended, prescribing the drug in a reduced dose. Processing of pregnant and lactating females, if necessary, is carried out after consultation with a veterinarian.

Recommendations for use

Migstim is sprayed onto a previously cleaned surface from contaminants, wound exudate, necrotic tissue and pus from a distance of 15–20 cm by pressing on the spray head. Processing is carried out twice a day for 7-14 days. In order to prevent wound infection, the umbilical cord of newborns, abrasions, scratches and surgical wounds after suturing is treated once. In cases of treatment of deep wounds, drainage is used, impregnated with the drug, which is injected into the wound. Drainage is carried out according to indications, but no more than 6 days, drainage replacement must be carried out 1 time per day, and a protective dressing – 2 times a day.Connections – up to 1.5 months, from blood-sucking mosquitoes – up to 7 days.

Repeated treatment of animals is carried out according to indications, but not more than once a month.

In order to prevent re-infestation of fleas, the animals are replaced with litter or treated with BlochNet® spray according to the instructions for its use.

For the treatment of otodectosis (ear-shaped scabies) BlochNet max is instilled in each ear 4-6 drops, once. For uniform distribution of the drug, the auricle is folded in half and lightly massaged at its base. Processing is carried out twice with an interval of 5-7 days. The drug must be administered in both ears, even in cases of only one of them being affected by otodectosis. With the complication of otodectosis, otitis is prescribed antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory drugs, symptomatic treatment.

Composition of

BlochNet max in 1 ml contains fipronil – 50 mg, benzyl benzoate – 50 mg, diethyl toluamide – 60 mg, juvemon – 1 mg and excipients: glycerol, dimethus, dimetru ”, Benzyl alcohol and isopropyl alcohol.


In case of overdose, the animal may experience excessive salivation, muscle tremors, and vomiting. In this case, the drug is washed off with water and a detergent and the animal is prescribed symptomatic therapy.

active substance

Fipronil, benzyl benzoate, diethyl toluamide, methoprene