levomenthol solution in mentyl isovalerate (dextrose) – Validol capsules 50 mg 40 pcs



Release form

Sublingual capsules.


40 pcs.

Pharmacological action

Validol has a moderate reflex vasodilating effect, has a sedative effect (has a calming effect on the central nervous system).

The effect of the drug is largely due to reflex reactions associated with irritation of the sensitive nerve endings. Validol is close in its action to menthol. Irritation of mucous membrane receptors is accompanied by stimulation of the formation and release of enkephalins, endorphins, dynorphins and peptides, which play an important role in the regulation of pain, vascular permeability and other processes. Under the influence of irritating substances, a number of other endogenous physiologically active compounds (histamine, kinins, etc.) are released. With sublingual use, the effect of the drug develops after 5 minutes.


angina attacks (as part of combination therapy)

neurocirculatory dystonia of the cardiac type, functional cardialgia


hysteria, hysterical state

as antiemetic in marine and airborne diseases.


Increased individual sensitivity to the components of the drug.

Severe hypotension.

Special instructions

It is recommended that you consult a doctor before use.


1 capsule contains: active ingredient: 50 mg menthol solution of isovalerianic acid menthol ester

Dosage and Administration

Validol Capsules: 1 capsule 2-4 times daily.

A single dose for adults is 1-2 capsules, daily – 2-4 capsules. If necessary, the daily dose may be increased.

Side effects of

When taking validol in isolated cases, slight nausea, lacrimation, and dizziness are possible, these phenomena usually pass quickly on their own.

Storage conditions

Store in a dry place out of the reach of children.

active substance

levomenthol solution in menthyl isovalerate, (Dextrose )

Terms and conditions otpuska IZ

pharmacies without a prescription

Dosage form



Cardialgia, Angina

Lumi, Russia